About …

… myself

I have been taking photos since I was a child. But all started with a huge disappointment: on a trip my father handed me a box 6×6 camera to practise. I shot picture after picture, my dad kept cheering me on and dispelled my concerns about the capacity of the film quite convincingly with the assurance that there would still be enough left.

Full of anticipation for the darkroom, my disappointment was all the greater when my dad confessed that he had not loaded the camera with a film as he did not want to waste any in case I would not be interested in the long run. That could have actually been the end of my photography ambitions, but – stubborn that I am – I stuck with it.

The equipment was constantly upgraded and adapted to my needs. In the early 2000s my transition to digital photography was complete: with several full-frame cameras, a ‘zoo’ of professional lenses, and the best computers to use the growing possibilities for post-processing – I had already been fascinated by the possibilities of the darkroom – I was well equipped. And thanks to my transition into retirement I had the freedom to spend a substantial amount of time for the hobby, which resulted in a fruitful period during which lots of my favourite pictures were taken.

My health finally brought this phase to an end: the effects of Parkinson’s restrict my mobility and ability to use my equipment. In addition, my eyesight is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Not being able to get to the right spots for pictures, nor being able to handle the equipment and finally not being able to compose the shot or even check the camera settings – these are pretty bad preconditions for creating stunning pictures…

But – see above – the stubbornness is not giving up (yet) – and I started to (re)edit and publish the best of my pictures again. The result will be this website. The portfolio contains my favorite pictures and I have dedicated separate sections for special topics or trips.

I hope for lots of comments and a lively discussion with my visitors.


… this site

After almost 7 decades of picture-taking it is time to summarise and evaluate.

On this site I ‚only‘ present results of the digital period – which has lasted about a quarter of a century! Pretty daring when you consider how long ago this period began. But also amazing to see the gigantic progression of technology in this time: from pictures taken with my camcorder at 640×480 pixels to RAW files of 60MB and more and finally peaking at over 250MB for some of the HDR images captured with my la(te)st DSLR. Anyway, it’s not the technology that finally determines the selection for this site.

I hope that you’ll enjoy the pictures as much as I did taking, editing and selecting them.

… the photos

All photos on this site are copyright by me (even if not explicitly shown).

If you wish to use any for your own, private and non commercial purpose you can do so after having informed me (use the contact form). Every commercial or non private usage of any photo must be approved by me, and fees will be applied.